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Fitness Promoting School Success

For some, watching the latest TV show is more entertaining than running a few minutes on the treadmill. Physical fitness is seldom practiced throughout smaller age groups because of lack of knowledge and having the wrong interpretation of being “fit”. Studies have shown that students that do 10 minutes of physical activity before taking a test, perform better than other students. After all, having a gym class for first period might not be such a bad idea. Being physically fit has many pros, one of them being the ability to absorb and retain information more easily. When asked, a former Miami Springs Senior High student and gym enthusiast, Johaneth Camacho, offered advice on living a healthier lifestyle. She stated,  “You need a lot of discipline in everything you do in life from school to work, to living a healthy lifestyle. Being active helps you improve not only the way you work in school, but also the way you work outside of school. It’s taught me patience, how to focus, and determination.”

Including physical activity to your daily routine can be as easy as going on a run with your dog. Any increase in activity is good for you.  Not only do you have a better performance when burning off excess energy, but you are also more relaxed. A report by the American Heart Association has shown that children who are active thrive not only academically, but socially as well. More than one-third of 9th-12th grade students do not engage in as much physical fitness as they should. Inactivity increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, along with other illnesses. In sum, a simple morning jog brings many benefits to our health, but doesn’t entirely makeup for a day spent in front of a computer or television. So when planning your daily routine, remember that “fit time” is more important than “sit time”.

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